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The Founding Million

Steel foundations

Help lay the

Harbor58 wants to give you a unique opportunity—and one day you can look back on it and say, "I'm so glad I got involved with THAT." Because THAT is a person. More specifically, a young person aging out of foster care. A young person whose life holds incredible potential. A young person whose life you can change.


Introducing our biggest initiative yet: the Founding Million, comprised of the first 500 people who commit to donating $2000 in 2022. Whether you can give a one-time gift, a few lump sums or a monthly payment, your involvement in getting our campus off the ground will not only get you a limited-edition pin and your name displayed on campus—you'll change the trajectory of a life.

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During this one hour, light breakfast we will share about the vision and mission of Harbor58 and how people can get involved.

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